Social Work England Form Template to record Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Type of CPD drop down box selection
• On the job experience
• Learning from a case
• Self-directed learning (eg. Listening to a podcast or reading a journal or article)
• Feedback from a person with lived experience or colleague
• Work towards a formal qualification or certification
• Supervision
• Training session
• Conference, seminar or event
• Lecturing, teaching or research
• Leadership, management or mentoring
• Personal lived experience
• Other
In one sentence describe the CPD activity and why it’s relevant to you (15 -30 words)
Date of CPD
• Must be relevant to current registration year
• If longer than 1 day put last day of the CPD
Describe what you have learnt from doing this activity (250 -500 words, refer to CPD standards)
• 4.1 Incorporate feedback from a range of sources, including from people with lived experience of my social work practice
• 4.2 Use supervision and feedback to critically reflect on, and identify my learning needs, including how I use research and evidence to inform my practice
• 4.3 Keep my practice up to date and record how I use research, theories and frameworks to inform my practice and my professional judgement
• 4.4 Demonstrate good subject knowledge on key aspects of social work practice and develop knowledge of current issues in society and social policies impacting on social work
• 4.5 Contribute to an open and creative learning culture in the workplace to discuss, reflect on and share best practice
• 4.6 Reflect on my learning activities and evidence what impact continuing professional development has on the quality of my practice
• 4.7 Record my learning and reflection on a regular basis and in accordance with Social Work England’s guidance on continuing professional development
• 4.8 Reflect on my own values and challenge the impact they have on my practice
Reflect on and describe the positive impact the CPD activity has had (or will have) on your practice and the people you work with (250-500 words)
• This could be people with lived experience of social work, colleagues, or students. If you’re not currently working, or not in direct practice, you could think about how your CPD activity might benefit those you come into contact with, or the profession as a whole
Describe what you have learnt from discussing this CPD activity with a peer (at least 250 words)
• Peer reflection means you have discussed the content of your CPD activity with a peer, your manager or another professional.
• Peer reflection discussions are informal and can take place in one to one or group settings. The role of the peer is not to approve your learning, but to support and help you to think about how you can improve your practice.
• When discussing your CPD with a peer, you should talk about what you have learnt from the CPD and the positive impact it has had (or will have) on your practice and the people you work with
Which parts of the CPD standard have you met by doing this activity (Tick box)
• 4.1 Incorporate feedback from a range of sources, including from people with lived experience of my social work practice
• 4.2 Use supervision and feedback to critically reflect on, and identify my learning needs, including how I use research and evidence to inform my practice
• 4.3 Keep my practice up to date and record how I use research, theories and frameworks to inform my practice and my professional judgement
• 4.4 Demonstrate good subject knowledge on key aspects of social work practice and develop knowledge of current issues in society and social policies impacting on social work
• 4.5 Contribute to an open and creative learning culture in the workplace to discuss, reflect on and share best practice
• 4.6 Reflect on my learning activities and evidence what impact continuing professional development has on the quality of my practice
• 4.7 Record my learning and reflection on a regular basis and in accordance with Social Work England’s guidance on continuing professional development
• 4.8 Reflect on my own values and challenge the impact they have on my practice
Do you want to upload any additional reflections? (Optional)
• You do not need to provide evidence of your CPD (such as certificates). You can use this functionality to upload any additional reflections (this is optional)
• You must not disclose any personal or professional information about anyone you work with, including colleagues, managers or employers. You must remove any personal details which could be used to identify someone. Even if references are anonymised, the identity of the person may be recognisable to others. It’s your responsibility to make sure all identifying details are removed
• Accepted file types: Word (doc, docx and rtf), PDF (pdf), Notepad (txt), Word pad (wpd) and Open office (odt)