Mental Capacity and Court of Protection

Do you need an appropriately trained and experienced professional to complete a mental capacity assessment?

Do you need an appropriately trained and experienced professional to complete a mental capacity assessment?
Do you need a second opinion mental capacity assessment?
Do you need advice about a Lasting Power of Attorney?
Do you need support and advice with a Court of Protection matter?

What I provide:

  • I provide expert mental capacity assessments on a range of decisions for example:
  • Testamentary capacity assessments to make or amend a will
  • Mental Capacity Assessment to make a Lasting power of attorney for property and affairs
  • Mental Capacity Assessment to make a Lasting power of attorney for health and welfare
  • Mental Capacity Assessment in relation to financial deputyship applications
  • Capacity to make a gift
  • Mental Capacity Assessment to act as a trustee
  • Please contact me to discuss a mental capacity assessment for any other decision you require

Why you should contact me:

  • I have trained and supported numerous health and social care staff, including doctors how to use the Mental Capacity Act in practice
  • I have been working with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 since it came into force in 2007
  • I have Principal Social Work experience, championing and leading on the Mental Capacity Act regionally and nationally
  • I have the knowledge, skills and experience to complete complex mental capacity assessments
  • I have experience in report writing and attending the Court of Protection


“I worked with Susan on a range of social care matters including mental capacity, best interest issues and complex cases that needed to be put before the court. She is approachable and I have found her to be very professional in all my dealings with her.”

– Consultant Psychiatrist


“Susan’s reports are accurate and of very good quality. She is thoughtful in her work, reflects on it well and works out the best way forward for each
individual who has been assessed”

– Consultant Psychiatrist