Mental Capacity 10 Tips

Mental Capacity- 10 Tips

To support social workers when completing mental capacity assessments, I have devised a succinct ‘Tips Sheet’ including possible questions and prompts to consider as a starting point in preparation for the completion of a mental capacity assessment.

1. Be clear about the decision – or decisions to be made

2. Consider the need to involve someone who could help you know the best way of communicating with the person concerned

3. Consider the need to involve someone to support the person to make the decision

4. Make sure that the person had all the relevant information to make the decision

5. Make sure that you explain relevant information in a way that was easy for the person to understand

6. Check if there were any cultural, religious, or ethnic factors that you need to take into account

7. Make sure you need take any necessary practical steps to put the person at ease to make their decision

8. Make sure you consider whether it is necessary to ask for specialist advice about the person’s capacity

9. Make sure you considered all relevant information including previous knowledge from your assessment and base your conclusion on the balance of probabilities

10. Ask yourself whether the decision might have been delayed until the person can make it themselves


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